Buchanan Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)

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Buchanan Recordi

Buchanan, Michigan

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A SIMONDS A 3 0 Buchanan Record MICH ide profits with Buchanan Locals Merchant Tailor HONJCBURROWS Our Distinguished Congressman 1 MRS ELLEN OSTER SUITINGS or Wehr 5 Of Ohio will address the people Jtye Cq tcqqo (Lee Glus all and Winter Stock SCHOOL BOOKS now in of jzhic'h Come Everybody! New and Second Hand TaMetsp Slays Pencils In non BUCHANAN MICH i ft JUST RECEIVED if Cloaks ill Closed Out at i Cost or Less fS1" this 7 HOTEL BLOCK BUCHANAN sues I Real Lace Antique Lace Cluney 'Lace aud in fact all kinds of Curtains SCHOOL IIIIOKS! te MM ond Hand NeWri'd Sq "Drug iBdokrStore THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 1883 The next examination of teachers for this county is to be held in New Buffalo on the last riday in October St Joseph and Benton Harbor are anticipating a grand improvement for the coming season The Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co has bought a tract of nine acres of land that lie under water on the Benton Harbor side of the St Joseph river near the highway draw bridge and in the spring will build a dock there and put on a side wheel steamer between that point and Chicago about May 1 The im provement proposed is to cost $10000 The new wharf is to be about 750 feet long and all of the accommodations for freight and passenger traffic most elaborate This company for a number of years been operating one of the finest lines of steamers between Detroit and Cleveland and Detroit and Macinac employing four of the finest side wheel steamers on the lakes The decision of this company to locate a branch of its business at that point will be a great boon for Berrien coun ty and especially the north end of it It Is announced that a boat will be run to Milwaukee from the same dock The republicans had a grand demon stration at New Troy last Thursday As large an audience as the town hall would accommodate was addressed by Hon Geo Edwards Hod LsBab coek and Hamilton Good music was furnished by Niles Glee Club A Building and Loan Association is being established in Benton Harbor A grand Republican jubilee is be ing held in Three Oaks this evening Mr Peter Weese and daughter Mrs Hurst returned Saturday from their three weeks visit in Huntington Ind The more democratic jamborees like the one had in this place last Saturday night the stronger will be the republi can vote A train load of Berrien countyites went to Goshen yesterday to attend the Republican mass meeting rock Davis got drunk Saturday night and was taken in by Marshal He laid in the cooler over Sun nay and Monday morning was taken before Justice Alexander who will hear his trial Oct 15 The Index a new advertising sheet devoted to the interests of Niles has entered the journalistic field of Ber rien county A six column folio is sued quarterly for the present at twenty cents per year This makes five papers in Niles all struggling for a half living and eighteen in thecounty riends of Mrs red Schray to the number of thirty eight met at her home last evening for a surprise par ty and presented her with an easy chair and an elegant oil painting She expects to move to Michigan City where Mr Schray has employment in the prison shops The Democrats held their Represen tative Convention in Three Oaks yes terday and nominated Aleshire of this place Buchanan Democrats do not appear to be very highly inter ested in that office as this township was not represented Perhaps it is the result of great confidence Our postmaster finds his bands full in trying to get the Democrat boys who have joined the youngRepublican cluh and" will vote for Harrison to come back to democracy but it work worth a cent There are a num ber of them and the number increases with each Democratic demonstration Let the good work go on Mr Ciias Simmons is greatly im proving lot 4 Ross and ad dition by the erection of a good sized frame house that be will get into be fore winter Cart Botham of St Joseph claims to have done a great deal for the Re publican party and is now still doing yoeman service for the party by at tempting to make speeches for the Democrats Every member of Buchan an Grange is requested to meet at their hall Saturday Oct 13 at 1 to maCke arrangements for the meeting of the County Grange Oct 16 Be sure to meet on time th at all can hear the speech It has been discovered by demo cratic authority that the marching by the young republican club last week was a very unladylike perform ance The number of those who ex pect to march in the next republican procession is rapidly growing Tjie Republicans went out to Wm last evening and put up an 85 feet pole that flies a Harrison and Morton ban 7 Torchlight Procession in the evening cThe Bertrand Republican Club had an interesting meeting at George Tuesday evening The club now numbers over ninety members which includes some men Who have heretofore voted (he Democratic tick et About forty new names were ad ded to the list Tuesday evening Next Monday evening the club will meet at Bakertqwn and as the Republicans of Bertrand are more earnest this year than ever a rousing good time may be expected Another gas well was torpedoed at the Bailey farm near Port Huron onThursday and a fine flow of gas ob tained Nut gathering now gives the boys employment There is a lot of them Mrs Nancy Bliss starts for Cali fornia for a six visit with her daughter Mrs Joseph Geyer Wheat was sold in this place Satur day for $115 the highest in five years The farmers who have not sold their wheat are the ones who are now reap ing good pay fortheir work Monday it brought $117 Ira Emmons has sold his house and lot on Oak street to Chittenden Saturday for $375 Ostrander keeps with the im provements of the times in appliances in his line and has just added a new electric vibrator for the painless ex traction of teeth Mrs Dunning has rented her home to reeman ranklin who will soon become a resident of Buchanan One of the best musical organizations in the country will be present Highest temperature during the past two weeks 71 lowest 29 at 7 o'clock this morning 41 Mr Wm Burrus of thistownship and A Sherwood of Sodus will represent Berrien county in the State Grange which meets in Lansing De cember 11 Geo Dalrymple has bought Elmer house and lot on Detroit street Price $1100 The members of the young Republi can club went to Galien Saturday evening to take part in a torch light procession Ed Plimpton of Benton Harbor was in town over Sunday Miss Leah Leeds of Berrien Springs is visiting relatives in Buchanan Two hunters to each squirrel in the woods how It is worth while for the voters of Berrien county to remember not only that the incumbents of the and Prosecuting offices are candidates for re election and that their present opponents are the gentle men who preceded them in office re spectively but also that the records accessible to all show that the convictions of criminals during the year 1887 aggregated 251 against 142 the previous year while the gener al expenses of the county largely made up of the costs in court cases controll ed by these officers was $1154472 the past year against 1830559 the year previous more than one third less for nearly double the convictions This record shows the faithfulness ability and economy of Stems and Geo Bridgman and ought to induce the citizens of Berrien county to give them a rousing majority on the 6th of next month Benton Harbor Palladium A nine pound daughter makes glad the home of Benj ield Bu Or Bass are bjtmg nicely at the dam in Niles Hear Congressman Burrows in this place next Saturday KO 347 Mr and Mrs John Reynolds are getting comfortably located in their ront street home Steve Earl has turned broncho buster If you want any pointers in handling ponies you can get them of Steve He has had experience that is valuable during the past two weeks Harvey Juday will sell a lot of personal property at public auction at his residence six miles north west of the village of Buchanan on Tuesday Oct 16 John A Babco*ck auctioneer Stove blacking done to order by Charles Sawyer He make it a special business but a job occa sionally to keep his hand in Give him a call Mr and Mrs Wm Stephenson of Detroit were present at the fuiieral of Mrs Geo Bush who was a sister of Mrs Stephenson Mrs will be re membered here as Mrs James Sher man i Old At the Metho dist Church next Sunday morning Ocjb 14th Rev Hamilton will preach a sermon adaptedto old people The singing as well as the sermon will be in the interest of the veterans and all the old people of the place whether they are Methodist members of other churches or not members of any church are invited to be present and to sit in the front pews Easy chairs will be provided for the infirm and for deaf that they may sit very near the pulpit The pastor not only invites but urges the old people to be present at this service The first black frost of the season in the vicinity was Tuesday morning when the ground was frozen an inch or more deep in specially exposed places Mrs Ellen oster who is to speak in this place next Saturday has held the portion of President of the for Iowa for a number of years and was recently re elected by a majority that was nearly unanimous She is an indefatigable temperance worker but not by the third party method as she will doubtless explain At the Democratic meeting Saturday evening an attempt was made to de tract from the force of any remarks she may make by a statement that the lo cal Union deny her title The action of the local union or whatever it may be bribe statement at tne Democratic meeting will have no effect upon the truth in the matter The ladies of the Relief Corps will serve dinner and supper in the Rough store third door east of the bank Sat urday Oct 13 1888 Meal tickets 20 cents each The ladies hope to be well patronized as all net proceeds are to be given to the monument fund By Order of Com It is sign of a pretty tough crowd ip town when the saloon stand it and closes before 8 on account of the racket as was the case Saturday night A large delegation of republicans go to Three Oaks to the republican meeting this afternoon are 40 cents the round trip Entered at the Post office at Buchanan Mich as sccana ciara mauer We show and sell the best Cotton Batting for the money ia towh JU1G Ju vUjNvA A GEO WYMAN CO offer now and until they are all sold a bankrupt stock of curtains at 50 to 60 cents on the dollar of their value We own these goods at our own price and have concluded not to marry them but let them go correspondingly cheap The wheels of commerce in our car pet department have been repaired the spokes fixed and tire set and the cracks in the hubs filled with putty and painted all with this bankrupt stock and now we must have grease to make them to turn i smooth so here goes for a little dxle grease: Nottingham Lace Curtains in Cream and White all bound with tape so they will not tear in washing for $1 $125 $150 $2 $250 $3 and some higher Heavy Turkoman Curtains all col ors $250 and upward Chenille $5 $750 $10 and upward Everything in the line of Stationery found at Ladies come ami see the latest Style of BARMORE Better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Watch Clock and Jewelry re pairing to be found in Berrien couutjr at the lowest living prices for good work Will Martin will be in chanan on or about Oct 15 1888 ders for tuning aud repairing pianos and organs may be left at Mrs Saw Restaurant or sent by mail Wedding Present So long as this notice appears in this place the publisher of the Record will make a wedding present of The Buchanan Record one year to any couple who marry and settle in Ber rien county the only requirement be ing that they apply for it within three months after their marriage The same will be extended to those who are mar ried within this count and go else where tolive but such will be required to subscribe for one year upon making application That is by paying the price of one year they will be given credit for two years and receive the Record that time Mrs Dunning and Miss A Riley have concluded to find a warm er climate and will leave next week tor Placerville Cal where they will 'go into the millinery business 5 They 'have been in the same business here 'for several years and will be missed I jr iu uy puiTons The Republican caucus Saturday afternoon selected the following dele gates jto attend the Representative Convention which is held in' Three Oaks this afternoon Alexander 1 Dodd John Rouch Noble A Miller Chas Pears rank Treat red Andrews Geo Hanley Geo Searls A A Worthington Treat Hamilton Thos Biddle Dana Phelps Meacb Morris Lyon John Curtis A Palmer John Hamilton John Montague orgery When Henry Storm sold his Winamac Ind drug store he took among other securities two $500 notes secured by a real estate mortgage One of the notes became due a few days since and when the bank here forwarded it for collection he discov ered the whole transaction to be a forgery He went to Winamac to find the forger had moved to parts un known and Henry is now in a state of doubt whether he will get his $1000 or not On next Sunday evening Oct 14 at 7 Rev Hamilton will preach a sermon on versus All fpoliticians and church goers specially invited Berrien county has not paid a cent for assistance to the Prosecuting Attorney under ad minstration and he has had as much business as any of them That is the kind of man to re elect Byron Smith the affable prescrip tion clerk at Will has res urrected a six line galley proof from the drawer of a sewing machine be pur chased at Seth place last week at Buchanan At the top of the proof is the date 24 This bears evidence that the six lines were put in type at that date Buchanan people can probably enjoy the joke betterthan any one else we know of Here is what Smith found: "Notice Belle Welch having grown tired of liv ing as it were will jump from the bridge into the noble St Joe next Sun day All who wish to see her in the last grand act will please assemble at the fish Niles Star Supervisors are in session week at Berrien Springs Berrieq Springs Era Mrs Celestia Sesserman Lake township for $5000 damages sus tained by falling through a defective bridge The boys are not the only fruit pilferers that bother the citizens at this season of the year The other night a citizen slipped out of his house and found his grape arbor full of young ladies who were out on a lark He says sailed over the fence like balloons when they saw me and landed in a heap on the other side I tell you it was fun to see The gifted lady campaign speaker and COL BRIGHAM Died at her residence in Buchanan Oct 5 1888 Mrs Maryette Bush wife of Geo Bush and mother of Wm and Sherman Chambers of Buchanan De ceased whose maiden name was Mary ette Van Gorden was born Nov 28 1832 was one of the early settlers of Michigan uneral was held at her home on the 7th inst services by Rev Mr Hamilton and there were present a delegation of the relief corps of which deceased was a member who gave her remains the solemn obsequies of that order Also a large delegation of the A men and Odd ellows who acted as pallbearers and escort to Buchanan cemetery followed by a large concourse of relatives and neigh bors plainly showing the fact that none knew her but to love her and her many acts of kindness will be re membered although from earth she is gone Mr Bush wishes to return thanks to bis friends and neighbors for their friendship shown also to Dr Derrick for his services to Rev Mr Hamilton the Messrs Beistlethe Relief Corps for the beautiful flowers and for assistance in the burial not forgetting Mr Hahn the un dertaker for the able way in which he conducted the funeral List of letters remaining uncalled for the post office at Buchanan Mich for the week ending Oct Nobles Mansfield Settled Charles Antisdale came over from Niles Monday morning and settled with Esquire Dick for his part in the egg throwing performance for the same fine as was charged Brown The cost was less by his com ing without the officer This will probably end that business as the boys are quiet An item we misseef last week by its nearness: Married at St Joseph church in Chicago on Tuesday Oct 2 1888 Mr Henry Grover job printer in the Record office and Miss Helena Schottler of Chicago They arrived in this place the next morning and now are comfortably located at the former home of Mrs Mary Straw on Por tage street where they will be glad to receive their friends The prohibition candidate for Pros ecuting Attorney is Thomas of St Joseph Mrs Arthur Hahn and 'daughter of Hastings have been visiting in this place this week Ecernoon the pole enough theff flag before it In Any Sizeor Style nt Reasonable Prices COME AND SEE Buchanan Markets $5 $10 per ton Butter 18c 13c Lard 10c 'Potatoes new 35c Salt retail $100 $460 $640 per bbl retail Honey 16 Live poultry 6 Sc 106 Oats 25c Corn 50e 150 160 Buckwheat flour $300 Dressed pork $600 per cwt 1620 Live 554C MILLARD ARZA GAGE DE Ut I HUTTON BARNES NELSON BRADLEY I WOODco*ck Call and see the fancy Water Sets iV BL A fine assortment of dishes it TREAT I have two Mason Hamlin Or gans for sale on the easiest possible terms Also one Mason" Hamlin Piano new and one second hand square Piano for sale cheap HOLMES or the next 30 days you can buy Seersucker and other Summer Goods at Hogue at prime cost Closing out Glassware at AIR The Eelt Tooth Brush is the Daisy try it BARMORE' New Dress Gootls come rolling in our store every day We are bound to show you the nobbiest line iu the city Look at ours before you buy BOYLE BAKER E1 OODco*ck HUTTON 'i 7 Cashier Cashier 1 Michigan Stateline Will sell in quan tity from 40 to 160 acres All of my lands are well improved and the price varies from $25 to $55 per acre Can sell four 40 acre parcels separately One third down balance in ten or more annual payments with six per cent interest 480 acres of my land is in Weesaw Berrien county This land is all the very best soil and title perfect JEROME WALTON 23m5 Ypsilanti Mich TRENBETil has liis stock of ALL AND WINTER GOODS HAMILTON will sell good Milk and as cheap as anybody Coloma Courier 1 Gib Duvall had his pension raised recently and has just received $750 back pension Del McKean had his arm badly crushed in the belt of a thrashing machine a few days ago red hand which was so seriously inj ured in the pulp mill is healing nicely Mrs A Defields whose serious illness we have a num ber of times noticed in these columns died Sunday afternoon Sept 30 1888 at the home of her sister Mrs Nathan Kelley A The visit of our congrega tion on the eve of our departure on a short vacation last Monday evening was eminently successful as a surprise But itwasmore The warm greetings the cordial and kindly address of Bro Hamilton the many earnest wishes that we might have a pl easent journey and the golden gif ts that emphasizedhese expressions ofregard vwlll in crease the pleasure of our visit a hun fold rom the depths 'of our hearts we thank you kind friends and pray that God will repay you abund antly one and all ALLETTE WARREN IL WAIKKN CURTAINS AJND CARPETS Neiy Store TOBE The Republicans of Buchanan and vicinity expect a grand time on A Saturday Oct 13 Afternoon and Evening and Portiers all to go at the lowest price we ever offered them CARPETS Cotton Ingrain Carpets at 18c 20c and 25 cents All Wool Extra Supers at 50c and some higher Tapestry Brussels at 50 to 75 cents Body Brussels 85 to $125 Moquets $125 to $136 Velvets $1 to $125 7 They are all new patterns and best quality'? We recognize the fact that the ptice of the goods regulate the sale We will save you 5cts to 25cts per yard on sa carpet oyer any price what we propose to do and we Will save you $1 to S5 on a pair of curtains and we have the goods to deliver iWWill it be asking too much if you will call and see our carpets and curtains They did not cost us much of any thing and we are willing to let them go COME AND SEE'US0 GEO'WMtfrCO South 36nd MILLARD BARNES President Vice President fact everything School Books and School Supplies for both town and country schools ALSO A NEW LINE djf Wall Paper and Borders Has "constantly in stock the largest stock and most desirable OREIGN AND DOMESTIC One of the coaches on the Kalama zoo accommodation train uesday morning caught fire be fore reaching Niles from an overheated 'flue jfrom the coal £re and had to be left at1 files It needs a new roof 7 1 1 The cheeky habit that many people have of helping themselves to an ap ple or a peach or a bunch of grapes when entering a store is a constant drain on the purse and patience A Mt Clemens merchant kept track of it one day last week and found that he was out $167' No town is free from thia kind of pilfering Buchanan has her full quota of that kind of thieves HARVEY ROE Ladies something new in Hats Yyi will find them at i BOYLE School Tablets Slates and Sponges at lannel Skirting now CHARLIE The finest stock of Couches Chairs and everything in the urniture line at MEACH HUNT'S The Seed Emporium is locaeed at BISHOP KENT'S Staley Yarns always in Stock at CHARLIE I have a flock of sheep to rent for the coming year Call at the Record office for particulars HOLMES Look at the New Goods at 7 BOYLE Call and see us and we will sell you Goods aseheap as the cheapest MORGAN CO High Duncan are giving the best inducements ever offered in Dry Goods in Buchanan Go and see them Lots of New Goods at CHARLIE Seeds of all kinds at BISHOP The finest line of Confectionery in Berrien county at AIR We have the largest assortment of Cigars and Tobacco in Berrien county at AIR or Sale some of the nicest and best located Lots in tbwn GRAHAM DRESS MAKING Miss Elmira Burrus is prepared to do dress making in the! latest styles and give good work Call at her home on Avenue near the depot Sall $100 per barrel Treat bros Call and see all and Winter Suitings 10 arms or Sale In Berrien and Cass Counties Mich MRS and Laporte county Indiana near the i vHlLullb nmilill dll Al Cfcn be Bought of ROE BROS to I nt Notice I herewith notify the pub lie not to obtain either of four promis es sory notes given by Mordecai Price at Bridgman The same are $25each dated March 7 1888 These notes were obtained through fraud by misrepre senting property A Glover Rsjublican leefing! Mrs Emma Estes is enjoying a visit by her son Will and his wife who are here from Nebraska Miss Anna was here over Sunday Miss Carrie Roberts of Three Rivers and her brother Horace of Denver visited in this place this week the guest of Dr and Mrs Spreng DRUG STORE One Door East of Post Office to rent No 18 PortaSt Enquire at the house or of 36tf MORLEY Caramels 30 cents per pound at' BISHOP KENT'S" Clover and Timothy at Ithe Seed Em porium A 1 Those indebted to Mrs I Dunning Co are requested to call upon them be fore they leave for California and set tle their accounts I Go to High Duncan for bargains in cloaks Ladies if you want any Millinery Goods call on us as we make the low est prices and give you nobby styles at BOYLE Those who have suffered by having whips stolen should buy the patent lock whip socket at Jake har ness shop Dress Goods all colors and prices found at HIGH i Look at our line of Cloaks before buy is all we ask i 7 BOYLE BAKER My stock of Boots and Shoes is now full Call and learn prices before buy ing WOODS GRAND OPENING Mrs Millinery Parlors Com mencing Monday afternoon Oct 8 lasting the entire week Everybody come If you want a fine Hair or Clothes Brush you can find it at I We show the nicest line of Plush Wraps Come and see for yourselves BOYLE BAKER (C ine large Chamois Skins cheap at I A new lot of Hanging Lamps will be sold cheap at BLAKIt BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! POST OICE NEWS DEPOT eathers cleaned or colored and curled at MRS BINNS Have you seen our Plushes We have the best in town for the money Come let us show you HIGH DUNGAN i Ladies we are sending put some very nice Hats We can please you on low prices at BOYrLE I will sell China and Glassware cheap to make room for that new crate of Luster Ban Dishes that is coming BL4KE New goods at Mrs Binns elts in all styles and colors Ribbons Vel vets Plushes eathers in all kinds to make beautiful hats and bonnets and everything in Millinery and a trimmer" who will make them up in the latest and most artistic styles Also ancy goods Windsor cloth elts and Plush es by the piece Aresene Chenille Tinsel by the ball or yard Embroid ery Silk Rope Silk for the new styles of embroidery Liners Novelties and Notions of various kinds or Plush Cloaks go to High Dun for bargains 0 New Goods at the A Big line of New Cutlery just re ceived Will be sold cheaper than you can buy elsewhere at Jr New designs in Stamps and Stamp ing neatly done at LOOK HERE! Boots Shoes and Rubbers in endless variety at WEAVER Lessons in Shadow painting and em broidery free of charge tp all why buy their goods at MRS or lannel Shirting of all kinds come and see ours as we have most everything you want HIGH DUNCAN Auction lam to moet all calls for sales of all kinds and so licit a share of the 'patronage of the community I 34ml ROZELL Auctioneer Timothy seed at Jj BISHOP It will pay you to trade with 4 HIGH DUNCAN Opening at Mrs Millinery Parlors comrhencing Monday after noon Oct 8 lasting entire week A Coffee Saturday afternoon Ladies we are making a specialty in fancy Dress Goods or correct styles and the lowest prices calLon us as we will show you the largest line BOYLE BAKER Trank Merson wants it distinctly understood that be is still mark et and willH pay the highest market price for all kinds of live stock Cash 4w' buy buy your Dry Goods and Millinery until you price them at BOYLE or One of the best located Store rooms in Buchanan just refitted painted papered Inquire of BOE Go to High Duncan for Bargain Nobby hats and Novel Millinery will be displayed at May ri day and Saturday Sept 14 and 15 Look at the Broadeloths and learn prices we nave iui snauw BOYLE It is no mistake we show the best line of Dress Goods in' town BOYLE BAKER To whomit may concern persons are hereby rwarhed against trusting'iny wife Libbie Price on my: account ar I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date as slle has left my bed and board ajvithout just cause or September 81888 Thomas Price j33mG arm for A farm of 99 ej 'I acres or particulars enquire of AC ROE i Our 5 and io cent counter chuck full of new goods again' htop of thp'ghear from the ground I Just before uninj hurt by the will they nossi ble fgtthe display their nag They will most likely not try to put up more 200 feet poles in two minutes It' Work much better than the iob they have undertaken for November will vor 43: MAIN STREET 5 a NILES We have' the'1 largest stock'in Berrien Cpunty and will'al ways i customers i IT WILLPAY YOU TO COME SEE US 11 arriage Licenses 7 Amos ryer Stevensville Minnie MagundA 3 Charles Clossotfl Benton 1 Lola Pearl ojo Joseph Ostlund St Joseph' John Stork New Buffalo Dora Sclxht New Cloakings lannels Dress Goods Plushes Velvets and Dress Trimmings Please call and examine goods jaind prices before buying Bad luck is with the democracy of failure this place After the first mi world in all last week rlrt all tho rOQt pole raising they worl in getting things in readiness for an other attempt Satuj They managed hy darl up but it did non stai for them to run came down with a crashand in pieces CassRozell was at about thirty feet when itfell He jurUf striking and came ortunately no one smash up Now if the democi take nattern after the renunlii will have the best arrangei Ml BOO srroES JU Ilk 7 yjp I 1 Solicited Inspect: di rz Soil IS! S1 I of tlie" I i Eifft 4 1 rtf' i LTV Jra A aw tkxJWi'T! 'r i 1 Lt? I a 1 II.

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Buchanan Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.